I’m a Left Libertarian? A left what? As you can tell my political knowledge is very limited. After taking the political compass test it was determined I was classified as Left Libertarian. I knew at that moment Google was about to become my best friend. I wasn’t raised in an environment where politics were talked about and honestly have never had much of an interest.
So after reading article after article I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe I am classified as Left Libertarian. Their beliefs seem to be similar to mine but because of my lack of strong politic views, I’m unable to say this with confidence. Does this lack of knowledge make me feel uneducated and out of touch? At times it does, especially with the elections going on.
According to www.lp.org, the Libertarian party believes that “all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.” They believe in minimum government and maximum freedom. Does this sound like what I believe in? ABSOLUTELY.
What exactly do I believe in? I believe that if two people love each they should be able to marry even if they are the same sex. I believe that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, for example, the politician that is against same sex marriage is the one who cheats on their spouse. I believe marijuana should be legal especially for those in pain. I believe marijuana is less addictive than alcohol and tobacco which kills millions every year. I believe politicians spend more time telling us what’s wrong with the other opponents instead of telling us what they can do for us as president. I believe politicians should work on being more moral instead of living with the motto “Whatever is good for me, my family and my friends is good for everyone.” I believe politicians get paid too much and more should go to the working class such as teachers, the military, police, firefighters and medical professionals. I believe that abortion is a tough decision and should be dealt with on a personal level, not a political one.
I believe Gandhi’s quote “The Main purpose of life is to live rightly, think rightly and act rightly,” is a wonderful quote to sum up my beliefs and a quote more politicians should live by.